13 Nov 2010

The hajjee with no Hajj

That is the Hajjee who crossed the oases or the airspace or the waters but did not purify his intentions to Allaah azza wa jall. Instead he came either to be named Hajjee So and So or because his acquaintances performed Hajj or to ask people for money or some wordly desire.

That is the Hajjee that called and sacrificed but whose funds were haram in whole or in part or who did not avoid the questionable and did not familiarise himself with those things which concern the pious.


That is the Hajjee who knows that the Prophet (Saw) said, "Take from me your Hajj duties" but in reality did not require himself to follow the one who said that, 'alayhis-salaam, so he does not pursue his sunnah nor the characteristics of his Hajj but rather settles for what his companions are familiar with, even if they are lay people, with no knowledge and perhaps even when a question arises he does not carefully consider whom he asks about it. Some even will ask a good person, even if he does not possess the required knowledge, and Allaah ta'aala says, "Ask those with knowledge if you do not know."


That is the one saying, "Labbayk Allaahumma labbayk, labbayk la shareeka laka labbayk." {Here I am at Your Service O lord, here I am. No partner do you have, Here I am}, however, despite that does not observe His Oneness properly and is not moved to purify himself from misdeeds and perhaps he takes blessings from where they should not be taken or seeks refuge in a human when refuge must be sought from its grantor, subhaanahu wa ta'aala, or he swears by other than Allaah, ta'aala, as swearing by the Prophet (Saw) or swearing by other than Allaah has been forbidden by the Prophet (saw) as he said, "Whoever swears by other than Allaah has disbelieved or become a mushrik, attributed partners to Allaah, subhaanahu wa ta'aala".


That is the Hajjee who does nto protect his Hajj from dirty, false, evil and vain talk and sexual desire and committing sins so he releases his tongue from its bridle and does not harness his eyes and does not even give up any of the sinful acts that should be eliminated by performing hajj.

That is the one who does not protect the Muslims from his shoving and aggression and perhaps even aggresses the rights of his brothers in their lodgings or their parking places, or aggresses with odours or garbage as if proper manners are not required at certain times or places.


That is the one who says There is no God but Allaah and Muhammad is His Messenger, which requires him to worship Allaah only by the means revealed and by what the Prophet (Saw) has shoiwn, but he worships Allaah subhaanahu wa ta'aala by means not revealed: Perhaps he ascends the mountain in Arafat and tires himself thinking he is in worship is not the case, or perhaps he expends great effort in stoning or used wood or his shoes to stone thinking he is doing the right thing whilst in fact he is abusing his worship and his brothers rights.


That is the one in the state of ihram whose day of Hajj coincided with his day of recreation and his day of ihram with his normal day and did not feel the worship and did not lower himself to Allaah, subhaanahu wa ta'aala, and did not struggle to avoid even on the day of Arafat when Allaah subhaanahu wa ta'aala approaches His creation in a manner which is worthy of His Highness and Greatness, subhaanahu, when He Boasts to the Angels and He Saves from Hellfire whomever He Wishes by His Grave and Generosity.

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