10 Nov 2010

Meditations on the Blessings of Hajj

By Dr. Salah Sultan

Almighty Allah is Aware of the weak nature of His servants, because He is the One Who created them. Therefore, as a manifestation of His boundless mercy, He has provided His servants with opportunities of repenting and cleansing their souls of bad deeds. Among these opportunities is the forgiveness of sins within the period between two Prayers, two Jumu`ahs (Friday congregational Prayers), two Ramadans, or two `Umrahs.

Also, Hajj is a great opportunity for Muslims to have their sins forgiven by Almighty Allah. In fact, it is the most important opportunity among the aforementioned ones.

Hajj is a blessed a journey that extinguishes the sins of pilgrims. Upon returning to their homes, they become as pure as they were on the day they were born. The reward of a mabroor Hajj (i.e. Hajj accepted by Allah) is nothing but Paradise.

Pilgrims depart from the lands in which they committed sins and leave their families and all worldly affairs that distracted them from true worship of the Lord of the Worlds. Pilgrims in their simple attire of ihram face their Lord with hearts free from all worldly concerns and filled with love for Him alone.

Unity and Equality

In the season of Hajj, millions of Muslims throng toward Makkah from different parts of the world, believing in One God, His Book, and all His Prophets. The countries hosting international conferences indulge in elaborate arrangements and extend their efforts and services to please the guests. However, those going to Hajj leave their jobs and families, after spending their savings on the journey with unbounded faith.

This is a clear indication that Muslims still have the essential elements that would bring about the rebirth of Islam. Muslims' strong faith, willingness to give, and earnest desire to perform all religious rituals are great resources that should not be neglected. However, these resources should be wisely invested, with emphasis on the need for planning and organizing.

Hajj witnesses the world's greatest example of eliminating social discrimination and any other human differences. It is a practical example of harmony, love, and brotherhood. All are equal before Allah, whether black or white, rich or poor, male or female.

Pilgrims stand next to one another in the same places to perform the same rituals. No special place is reserved for kings or rulers. On the other hand, discrimination in social and private spheres continues to exist worldwide, despite all the laws and regulations designed to enforce equality.

In the history of Islam, one can find many practical examples showing that the problem of discrimination was successfully overcome. Abu Bakr As-Siddiq, who was one of the elite class, and Bilal ibn Rabah, who was a slave, were given equal rights.

Zayd ibn Harithah, the Prophet's personal servant, was appointed as commander of the Muslim army, with Ja`far ibn Abi Talib and `Abdullah ibn Rawahah as his subordinates. Ja`far ibn Abi Talib was one of the senior Immigrants to Madinah, and `Abdullah ibn Rawahah was one of the senior Muslims of Madinah.

In a dialogue between `Ubadah ibn As-Samit and Al-Muqawqis, then king of Egypt's Copts, the latter was apparently disgusted with the color of `Ubadah, who was a black Muslim. This made the delegation prepare for leaving, which forced the king to change his attitude.

A number of Muslim scholars from whom the Muslim Ummah learned more about the teachings of Islam were slaves and servants, such as `Ikrimah, the freed slave of `Abdullah ibn `Abbas, Nafi`, the freed slave of `Abdullah ibn `Umar ibn `Umar, and Muhammad ibn Sireen, the freed slave of Anas ibn Malik.

Also, Yazeed ibn Habib, who was a mufti in Egypt during the rule of `Umar ibn `Abdul-`Aziz, was a black Muslim. Indeed, Muslims learned a lot from poor scholars, like Abu Yusuf Ya`qoub ibn Ibrahim and rich scholars, like Abu Hanifah An-Nu`man.

The world still remembers the black riots (or Los Angeles riots of 1992), when 53 people died, and other similar events that occurred throughout history. These events show a huge gap between people of the same nationality. Under the banner of Islam, however, the issue is not legal; it is rather a methodological, moral, and humane issue. The world can benefit from this side of Shari`ah if it accepts Islam as a solution to its problems and as a remedy for its diseases.

Memories and Lessons From the Past

Makkah has the memories of many prophets, including Prophet Abraham (peace be upon him), the Father of the Prophets. The Jews, Christians, and Muslims all believe in Prophet Abraham. With the support of Almighty Allah, this Noble Prophet succeeded in establishing a complete balance in his life in the following way:

1. His relationship with Allah was perfect; he was tested by many calamities, but he always showed patience. In the Qur'an, Almighty Allah describes him, saying,

(Surely Abraham was forbearing, tender-hearted, oft returning (to Allah).) (Hud 11:75)

2. His relationship with his father (who was a disbeliever trading idols) was admirable. Abraham would treat his father humbly and often invite him to Islam. Although his father threatened him with stoning, Abraham showed patience and forbearance.

3. His relationship with his wives, Sarah and later Hajar, was an example of love and leniency. He left his wife Hajar and his son Ishmael alone near the Ka`bah. While Prophet Abraham was leaving, Hajar asked him if Allah had commanded him to do so. When his reply was in the affirmative, she said, "Then certainly He will not abandon us."

Because Hajar had faith and complete trust in Almighty Allah, her distress in that arid and unpopulated land was relieved by Him when He made water gush forth from the Well of Zamzam. This blessed well triggered growth and prosperity in that area.

4. His relationship with his son Ishmael was noteworthy. When he told Ishmael that he had had, during his sleep, a vision ordaining that he kill him, Ishmael's answer was (O my father, do what you are commanded; Allah willing, you will find me of the patient ones) (As-Saffat 37:102).

On the other hand, nowadays, when a father gives sincere and beneficial advice to a child of his, the child often replies in the following way: "O father, I will not do what you are asking me to do!"

5. His relationship with his guests and his people was a virtuous one. He showed an excellent example of hospitality and kindness toward his people. He kept on calling upon them to believe in the divine message he was sent with. But, with persistent and obstinate opposition to his message, his people threw him in the fire. Almighty Allah then turned the fire into coolness and peace for Prophet Abraham. Nevertheless, the hostility of the people of Prophet Abraham did not stop his concern for them.

6. His relationship with the political power of his time was an exemplary one. When King Namrood claimed to be a god, Prophet Abraham argued with him using intellectual and scientific proofs, ultimately leaving him dumfounded.

From the foregoing argument, we see that Hajj offers lessons that can restore balance to our lives. Among us are people who managed to become rich but failed to have good a relationship with their Lord, their wives, or their children. Among us are people who managed to gain much scientific knowledge but fell short of achievement in other walks of life. These failures reflect a missing balance that can be restored through the rituals of Hajj.

Absent in the Past, Hoped for in the Future

Hajj has many spiritual, moral, mental, and physical aims. However, the awareness of Muslim individuals, families, and societies is still deficient with regard to these great aims.

Hajj also touches the economic aspects of Muslims' life. The greatest economic decision forbidding riba (usury) was declared above Ar-Rahmah Mount (Mount `Arafat) on the Day of `Arafat when Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said,

"All cases of riba during the time of jahiliyyah [pre-Islamic ignorance] is annulled, and the first riba I annul is our riba - the riba of `Abbas ibn `Abdul-Muttalib [the Prophet's uncle]. All of it is annulled." (Muslim)

Nevertheless, Muslims still resort to worldwide usury, disregarding the alternatives prescribed by Islamic Shari`ah.

Unfortunately, many products and equipments are not made in Muslim countries, such as cars, airplanes, air-conditioners, all means of communication, and even the attire of ihram and Prayer rugs.

We are an Ummah that consumes the products of other civilizations at a time when we are supposed to be a civilization that teaches others. Can we become a productive Ummah rather than a consuming one? We should build a civilization where true faith and Islamic morals rule society and its economy, politics, arts, etc.

We hope that Muslims take advantage of this year's Hajj and regard it as an annual international conference that can be used to solve the problems facing the Ummah, even a single problem every year. Finding solutions to the problems of the Ummah is the duty of all Muslims.

The Ummah suffers many problems, such as poverty, illiteracy, and imitation of the Western lifestyle. We, Muslims, should work together to free Al-Aqsa Mosque, which was the first direction of Prayer.

We also need to have a mutual defense agreement to protect the whole Islamic World. In addition, we need to establish a common Islamic market and consider using all natural resources in Muslim countries in the best possible way. Finally, we should all boycott the companies and manufacturers supporting the Zionist entity occupying Jerusalem and the land of Palestine

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